My memories of Tony, from Avril Bilyk
Created by Avril 2 years ago
I first met Tony back in October 1970, when we were both at Royal Holloway College, as newbie undergraduates. I’d been home for the weekend, and was travelling back to college on the bus. Tony recognised my Uni scarf and we got chatting. Uni life was fun, and a group of us used to hang out together over the next year, sometmes playng cards, or just chatting. His dry sense of humour always made me laugh. I could never quite grasp how he could drink coffee like he did - basically hot milk with about 4 grains of coffee in it 🙈. We kept in touch after Tony left Uni, and I can well remember his subsequent wedding to Regina at Ealing Abbey, and the reception afterwards - the biggest “hoolie” I’ve ever been to! I occasionally visited them both in Kidlington, but a change in my circumstances meant I moved further away, and apart from Christmas Cards, we lost touch. I was very pleased when I managed to get back in contact via Facebook, and could once again enjoy that sense of humour. I’ll miss his tongue in cheek posts and wonderful travelogues. He was a lovely man, with that ever generous smile always on his face 😊